Canadiens fan caught on camera eating from a huge jar of Mayo!

A couple who are Canadiens fans were enjoying a hockey game between their favorite team and the Dallas Stars in Dallas when they were spotted on the jumbo-tron eating some large quantities of Hellman's mayonnaise out of this large jar! Was it a staged by some Hellman's employees to promote their product? Was it an idea this couple came up with to get publicity in the hopes Hellman's will reach out to them to be spokespeople for their mayonnaise? Or are they just crazy mayo fanatics who would go to extreme lengths to smuggle in this large jar of mayonnaise at the Dallas Stars arena, to enjoy with their favorite snacks?

How about was discovered they are undercover Dallas Stars staffers who dressed up as Candiens fans in this bizarre stunt...

Twitter went crazy over this deemed "disgusting" mayo indulgence by these two "fans". As you can see, Dallas Stars fans around the couple started to try to inform the couple they were on the jumbo-tron but they kept indulging without a care. Suspicions did start to rise though as to how these fans got this big jar of mayonnaise into the arena without it being fan guessed right away that it was a bit, saying: "They're in Dallas, and the Stars sometimes plant a few folks in opposing team jerseys doing something really silly and stereotypical of that team's city to poke fun and make the home fans laugh."

It was eventually confirmed that it was indeed a pre-planned joke by the Dallas Stars to poke fun at the Canadiens. A contributor for "The Athletic" out of Dallas tweeted this:

We should have known no one's THAT nuts about mayonnaise to eat it out of a jar, normally like a snack! It was a bit and I actually feel more relieved about that knowing no one really eats mayonnaise like that by choice!

-Producer Lightning

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