"Subpoena Colada" anyone? D.C. bars create impeachment inspired cocktails!

Today on Capitol Hill, the impeachment hearings have begun and in spirit of that some local bars in Washington, D.C. have opened early to host watch parties. In addition, some local bars and restaurants have named and created some cocktails based off of the impeachment hearings. This is a breakdown of some of the local bars & what they will be featuring for their impeachment specials:

Duffy's Irish Pub: Hosting what they are calling "Happy Hearing Hours" with rail drinks costing $5 and $2 off all drafts and wines. In addition they are offering the impeachment named drinks: "Subpoena Colada" & "James and the Giant Impeachment".

Union Pub: Features drinks "I Got 99 Problems But Impeachment Ain't One" & "Impeachment Please"

Midlands Beer Garden: They feature a large bottle of champagne behind an enclosure with a note that reads: "In case of President Pelosi, break glass."

Capitol Lounge: They came up with an entire menu of drinks based off of funny puns surrounding the impeachment hearings. Take a look!

These drinks are fabulous! I love the creativity and thought that went into naming these drinks. When you're a bar in the D.C. area and these types of national political events are taking place, why not have fun with it when you're in the heart of what's going on!

We asked the listeners to come up with some of their own cocktail names and some of them came up with some really good ones!

I think my favorite overall is "Subpoena Colada"! What's yours?

-Producer Lightning

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