Planters Peanuts killed off Mr. Peanut!

The beloved icon/mascot/symbol of Planters Peanuts, Mr. Peanut, has sadly passed away. The nut company, literally killed him off in a commercial video depicting exactly how it came to be that he is no longer. Is this a publicity stunt? Probably. Has it gotten people's attention? Yes. Does it make you think of their peanuts and products and possibly crave their peanut snacks? Yes. Will Mr. Peanut come back & turn out to not really be dead? I think so...I think Planters can spin this to say Mr. Peanut knew what he was doing and is not really dead, he is just now "roasted" (everyone loves their peanuts roasted) and thus carries on their message to still be a peanuts spokesperson, only in this new desirable way. It's marketing at it's finest and I figured it out...! You tell me what you make of this "killing off" of Mr. Peanut because that's what I took away from it...

-Producer Lightning

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