Bloomberg on being 95 with cancer: "There's no cure, we can't do anything"

Another day, another outrageous comment by Democratic Candidate Mike Bloomberg. In his latest sit-down, he spoke about healthcare and his views on it. Based on what he said, he basically hinted at the fact that he believes the elderly should be denied healthcare. Listen to what he said specifically and you tell us if you think he believes in denying the elderly population their basic human right to healthcare:

You cannot make this stuff up! Is he serious? Call me cooky but I think healthcare is a basic human right at any age and just because you might have lived a long life, doesn't mean care ends once you hit a certain mark. Everyone deserves to be treated the same way and it's up to the patient how they handle their diagnosis from there, not Mike Bloomberg's decision or the government's decision. I find this to be outrageous and to honest, of all the Democratic candidates, Mike Bloomberg scares me the most...

-Producer Lightning

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