Jimmy Kimmel trashes Mike Pence for joke about empty boxes!

Vice President Mike Pence was assisting with the delivery of some boxes of PPE to a nursing home in Alexandria, Virginia, the Woodbine Rehabilitation and Healthcare Center, where there was a camera capturing the whole moment as it was a pre-planned photo op where they knew he was going to be. When Pence finished carrying some of the boxes out of the van and to the front door, he went back for more when he was told there was nothing left but empty boxes. Pence made a joke that was misinterpreted by late night host, Jimmy Kimmel, who took it out of context when Pence said: "Well can I carry the empty ones? Just for the camera?"

This edited video was misleading as Jimmy Kimmel cut the video without the follow up that showed the laughing among-st the others around Pence, showcasing that it was a joke. Someone took it upon them-self to find the full video from CSPAN to give us more context...

VB finds this move by Jimmy Kimmel, so deplorable. I do as well. It was obviously a joke and to twist and turn it into this wannabe "gotcha moment" is absurd. It reflects poorly on Jimmy. Kimmel even tweeted out again after the initial video for his show, addressing the people that claimed it was a joke he was taking out of context...

Jimmy Kimmel just doubles down and can't even recognize he took a cheap shot and was out of line. He took the opportunity to go even further taking another cheap shot in this tweet. VB said it best, "deplorable".

-Producer Lightning

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