Russia approves first COVID-19 vaccine; do you trust it?

Russia's President Vladimir Putin has made the announcement that Russia has approved the "world's first" COVID-19 vaccine. Despite this approval, many have concerns as the vaccine has not gone through a major Phase, which is Phase 3, which puts the vaccine through a trial where it's tested on thousands of people. This vaccine was developed by the Gamaleya Institute. Now, that does not mean the vaccine will not go through the trial, it will, but apparently Russia passed a law back in April that allows a vaccine to be approved before a Phase 3 trial is even started. This is important because it gives the appearance that Russia is a "scientific leader" (which is important to Putin) and the timely approval of this vaccine, makes many believe it's political. Just because it's approved does not mean it's most promising as Russia would like many to believe.

According to the World Health Organization, there are 25 other vaccines in the clinical evaluation stage of development. Furthermore, some of those vaccines, the WHO is watching very closely as they are already undergoing a Phase 3 trial. The vaccines include one from the University of Oxford, one from AstraZeneca, another from the biotechnology company Moderna, and one from the US National Institute of Health.

With that being said, just because Russia was the first to "register" a vaccine", would you still trust it over a vaccine that is a little further along in it's testing, such as from one of the institutions mentioned above? I would not. I personally want a vaccine produced and tested in the U.S. even if that means it will take longer. That's fine. I trust my own country more than others and I have more confidence in them than Russia. I understand that Putin is trying to show how much you can trust the vaccine by telling the public the vaccine was tested on his daughter and that overall she responded well, but I still want a vaccine tested and approved by my own country. Do you feel the same way?

-Producer Lightning

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