Say goodbye to Mr. Potato Head...sort of

The toy company Hasbro has made the announcement that they are renaming their "Mr. Potato Head" brand to that of just "Potato Head". The company felt the move to rename was an appropriate move for the times with trying to be more inclusive as well as what they are saying is more reflective of their full line. Beloved fans of Mr. Potato Head do not have to worry about their two main characters Mr. & Mrs. Potato Head going anywhere though. Hasbro said both characters will remain and have their titles, it's just the branding of the toy line that will now change to just "Potato Head".

A little history on how Mr. Potato Head came to be...the Toy Hall of Fame Member was created by inventor George Lerner who was driven by the idea that kids play with food they do not like to eat. In an effort to give vegetables a little personality and a chance for kids to warm up to them, he started doing drawings of vegetable faces for cereal box promotions. The cartoons eventually caught the attention of the Hassenfeld Brothers (founders of what became Hasbro) and they acquired Lerner's creation in 1952, thus beginning the birth of the toy Mr. Potato Head. According to the Toy Hall of Fame, the first toy package came with eyes, a nose, a mouth, ears, 28 facial features, and a Styrofoam head for kids to create the face of their choice. Then in 1953, Mrs. Potato Head came along.

Mr. Potato Head has stayed alive over the years through various marketing efforts. After the first Mr. Potato Head commercial aired in 1952, Hasbro made about $4 million in sales. The toy continued to be featured in magazines and commercials over the years. Then Mr. Potato Head gained massive exposure when the toy was featured in Pixar's Toy Story in 1995, and continued to be a featured character throughout the franchise's ventures.

For more on Hasbro's future plans for "Potato Head" the brand, read their latest statement addressing the renaming, HERE.

Is this a smart move by Hasbro in keeping with the times or do you think there is history with the name Mr. Potato Head and the company should respect that by keeping the name?

-Producer Lightning

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