Donald Trump roasts Biden during wedding speech at Mar-a-Lago

Over the weekend, former President Trump roasted President Biden during a wedding speech at Mar-a-Lago, in Florida. Trump criticized the way Biden has been handling the country during his first 100 days in office relaying problems America is facing with Iran, the Border crisis, and China. The former President told the wedding guests, "I've been watching the news and they're telling me about the border, they're telling me about China. The border is not good. And what you see now, multiply it times 10." Trump continued on to speak about the Border crisis that has been spotlighted the last couple weeks as the Biden Administration has tried time and time again to divert attention from it, even going as far as barring the media from certain migrant facilities..."What's happening to the kids ... they're living in squalor. They're living like nobody has ever seen. Look, it's a disaster. It's a humanitarian disaster from their standpoint and it's going to destroy the country and, frankly, the country can't afford it." 

Trump then capped off his political wedding speech by saying, "So I just say: Do you miss me yet?"

Various media outlets got a hold of the former President's Mar-a-Lago wedding speech. Check out the full speech here brought to you by TMZ:

I ask you the same question former President Trump asked, do you miss him yet? I for one have to say, yes I do. Why? Well for some obvious reasons one being the Border crisis but mainly I miss him because of the political entertainment he provided. While some despised his theatrics and called him a bully (which he certainly can be), Trump got me interested in politics. He actually grabbed my attention to some of the country's problems that I otherwise would not have noticed. Plain and simple, he made getting into politics interesting. I was never by nature a political junkie and I never considered myself someone who loved politics. Actually, I still do not "love" politics. I got into politics when President Trump came into office. As a result of his "theatrics", I started paying attention as I think many other civilians of our younger generations did; more so than usual because let me tell you, politics is not a "mainstream" interest for us at that age. Whether you like Trump or not you have to admit he helped to gravitate more people towards politics and made people listen and get more involved. I think there was a good portion of us sleeping, politically speaking, and he woke the country up and inspired people on both sides (agreeing or disagreeing with him) to stand up for what they believe in. Trump made politics fun, even Biden says he misses him...

-Producer Lightning

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