The Final Betrayal

Dems put illegals ahead of homeless veterans

By Jeffrey T. Kuhner


Massachusetts Democrats have delivered the final insult: They officially have prioritized illegal aliens over homeless veterans.


Last week, 129 Democrats in the state House—backed by Gov. Maura Healey—voted to reject Amendment 698, which sought to give priority to homeless veterans ahead of the “migrants” in the commonwealth’s overflowing emergency shelter system. That’s right: Democrats killed a GOP-supported provision that would put the housing needs of America’s heroes, especially those who are sleeping on the streets and under bridges, above foreigners who have no business being in our country.


It is the ultimate betrayal.


Many veterans, who came back scarred or badly damaged from Vietnam, Afghanistan or Iraq, shamefully are without a place to live. Suffering from severe PTSD, mental illness or brain trauma, these patriots have been abandoned by the Veterans Administration. They roam Boston and other cities and towns in Massachusetts neglected, hungry and forgotten. I’ve seen some of them in cardboard boxes in the dead of winter, sleeping several hundred feet from the mayor’s office. Yet, liberals and Democrats do nothing.


Contrast this with their treatment of illegal aliens. Joe Biden has erased our southern border. He has deliberately enabled an invasion of over ten million illegal aliens into our country. Healey has transformed Massachusetts into a sanctuary state. Illegals are given lavish taxpayer benefits—free food, hotels, shelter, health care, education, iPhones, clothes, pre-paid debit cards, dry cleaning and even laundry service. They lack for nothing; so much so, that the commonwealth has become a destination of choice for many of the migrants. This has led to a massive strain on the state’s shelter capacity. The unprecedented influx of illegals has caused a housing crisis. In short, Massachusetts is full.


Healey and progressive Democrats argue that the commonwealth is obligated to provide taxpayer-funded housing to illegal aliens due to the state’s right-to-shelter law. This is false. They’re deliberately choosing to place these migrants in hotels, motels and the emergency shelter system—at enormous cost to Massachusetts taxpayers and workers. The right-to-shelter law applies only to U.S. citizens and permanent legal residents (green card holders). It was rightly never intended to be for illegals. Healey and her open borders allies are perverting the law in order to flood Massachusetts with migrants. Their goal: Use illegal aliens as the basis for nearly endless voter fraud to preserve one-party Democrat rule. Illegal immigration is the Left’s ticket to socialism and power.


This is why they must be stopped. Biden’s border invasion is destroying America. And it is bankrupting Massachusetts. The commonwealth now spends nearly $1 billion a year simply to house illegal aliens. Add in the costs of feeding, clothing, and providing “free” health care and dental care to these migrants and the annual bill is over $2 billion. This is not only fiscally unsustainable, but insanity. Healey’s sanctuary policies are on a collision course with reality: To maintain this record level of mass immigration will require crushing tax increases and deep budget cuts to police, firefighters, first responders, roads, health care, education and social welfare programs. Already, middle-class taxpayers and businesses are fleeing the state. The migration crisis threatens to turn Massachusetts into a Third World basket case.


There’s something fundamentally evil about an administration and an ideology that treats criminal illegal aliens better than its own citizens—especially, its war heroes and homeless veterans who have risked their lives for their country. Liberalism has lost its moral credibility. It is high time America First populists and conservatives began rolling back the disastrous, treasonous policies of Biden, Healey and the globalist Democrats. If not, then America is finished.


This is why I am asking all patriots to join me at the Close the Border rally on Saturday, May 4th at 10:00 am ET on the steps of the Massachusetts state House to peacefully protest Biden’s border invasion and Healey’s sanctuary policies. Go to to find out more information. The rally is being sponsored by Cape Cod Concerned Citizens and AVIAC (Advocates for Victims of Illegal Alien Crime). I will be speaking at the event, as well as being its master of ceremonies.


The time for talk is over. The time for action has begun.


-Jeffrey T. Kuhner is host of “The Kuhner Report” on WRKO AM-680 in Boston. His daily show airs 6-10 am ET. He can be reached at:

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