From Hands to Guns With Steve Tarani | Gun Talk Nation

World-renowned trainer, speaker and author Steve Tarani joins Ryan Gresham for this episode of Gun Talk Nation. In this wide-ranging discussion on a variety of topics, Steve and Ryan cover improvised weapons, “keyboard commandos”, situational awareness, Steve’s vast and impressive resume and much more.

Train with Steve Tarani and SIG SAUER’s Max Michel at Gun Talk’s Range Ready Studios - “Hands To Guns” - October 18-20, 2024:

Learn more about Steve Tarani:

This Gun Talk Nation is brought to you by Ruger, B5 Systems, SDS Imports, Stag Arms, Range Ready Studios, SecureIt, Vortex Optics, Hodgdon Powder, Silencer Central, SDS Imports and Aero Precision.

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Gun Talk Nation 08.01.24

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