Stay for a night in this spooky fun replica cottage from a pop culture favorite Halloween movie!
Coffee drinkers just might outlive the rest of us...
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Would you stay the night in the Sanderson Sisters' replica cottage? I would! I'm a basic bitch who loves Hocus Pocus sooooo I totally would. My only gripe with this is it only sleeps 2 people! I want to have a ladies night sleepover with like 5 friends! That's the only bummer...I don't want to take my husband. Boo (pun intended)! HA! It's a fun idea though so I applaud them for it. It's really too bad also that it appears its for a one night only thing. Dude, they should be renting that place out every single night for the night of October! Missed opportunity there on their part...
Well, it looks like I'll outlive the rest of you suckers! Solely because I'm a coffee drinker...where the rest of my coffee drinkers at? I love the positive stats on coffee drinking because it makes me feel better about my addictive habit...mind you I only drink 2 cups a day max if I even get to that...Now this study is not guaranteeing we'll all live longer because we drink coffee. It just so happens to find a positive correlation for those of us who do compared to those who don't and I'll take it!
-Producer Lightning