May 1, 2024: Host Adam Kaufman (Twitter @adammkaufman) is joined by Dan Watkins (@danwatkinsradio) and guests Prop Bomb (@propbomb) from Prop Bomb's Props Discord, the Action Network's Tim Kalinowski (@timmykal12), and Rob Donaldson (@robdfb) of the Rob Donaldson YouTube Channel. Happy anniversary to US! One year in the books, and what a year it was! Tremendously entertaining, informative and, perhaps most important, profitable! +174 units! Now let's try to beat that in Year 2!! Prop Bomb reacts to the Celtics' ousting the Heat and previews what's ahead, plus looks at Thursday's potential NBA clinchers. The Bruins can close out the Maple Leafs in Toronto, but will they? Kalinowski weighs in. out for the Red Sox?! MLB thoughts and plays with Donaldson.
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