Today the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) voted (3-2) to nullify net-neutrality. The Obama-era "protections" were put into place in 2015, and the left is losing their minds now that it's gone. There are two sides to this argument, but there should be some focus as to why [FCC] chairman Ajit Pai pushed this forward. Here are some of the reasons why it's a good thing net neutrality was repealed.
Net Neutrality stifled innovation:
Markets rely on competition, and the internet should be subjected to such competition. Other business markets rely on the innovation of new companies, technology, and business models. Under net neutrality, an ISP (Internet Service Provider) has to submit their proposals for the previously mentioned innovations to the FCC. The commission then can (and have) outright deny these proposals. The FCC is actually giving up control by repealing Title II. The FCC can no longer regulate capital investment of companies already in existence, and they can no longer determine which companies can enter the ISP market. This allows smaller ISPs that never stood a chance to compete with the "monopoly" that is Comcast, Time Warner etc.
Paid Priority:
Large amounts of traffic bandwidth cost ISPs money. This would possibly push providers to charge sites that use the considerable amount of bandwidth, this creates market choices and deals to take place. A second ISP could step in and absorb costs that a website may want to pay in order to carry the site. This would provide options for consumers who normally would only have one choice in service providers. Net neutrality would not allow this competitive market to exist. The idea of "paid priority" would allow ISPs to pay have certain bits sent to computers at faster rates than others, which isn't allowed under net neutrality. Now smaller ISPs can utilize this practice in order to compete will larger providers, which allows for a more competitive market.
Mobile carriers are not limited by net neutrality, which has allowed them to compete with one another. This has created lower contracts and the return of unlimited data plans. AT&T and Verizon had a large chunk of their consumer base taken by T-Mobile due to a competitive market that allowed T-Mobile to offer lower prices and more inclusive deals. This competition forced the larger carriers to cut prices and improve contracts in order to compete and win back customers. This is what a competitive market can create. This is why companies like Facebook and Google support net neutrality, it basically allows them to demolish any competition.
Final Thoughts:
A study from back in 2014 estimated that net neutrality could possibly result in up to $45 billion in new ISP investments being lost in a 5 year period. A competitive market would allow smaller ISPs to exist, and challenge what has already became a monopoly in states and cities. If history tells us anything, a competitive market helps consumers receive more purchasing options and lower prices.