Yarmouth Police Chief Frederickson says the Massachusetts judges are too lenient on criminals. He also compared the criminal justice system to a catch and release program.
He addressed why Officer Gannon's killer was out on the streets. He said, “It’s puzzling but it’s become the norm, so it’s not that surprising that there is someone out there like that and there are many more right now that are in similar categories. So we became insulated or numb to it but when you see the tragedy unfold as it has and it happened in Auburn with these career criminals, it’s like c’mon! He added, “I mean we know it’s broke we know there’s major problems and we know that there is a side that tries to lens towards it more towards reintegrating people than to keep them away from hurting people and that’s got to change.”
Chief Frederickson talked about how demoralizing the criminal justice system is to his officers. He said, “As Chiefs across the state, we have to keep our officers motivated because they are the ones who get frustrated and they see it happen over and over again. We got to say, “You guys did a good job, but you had to let them out. Keep going out there and do a good job because the community needs you, and chase the same guys like a catch and release program. So, it’s hard to keep it going.””