The Mexican drug cartel gunned down six children and three women U.S. citizens in Mexico. All the victims are believed to be members of the extended LeBaron family, who live in a religious community in La Mora, northern Mexico.
President Trump tweeted, "A wonderful family and friends from Utah got caught between two vicious drug cartels, who were shooting at each other, with the result being many great American people killed, including young children, and some missing. If Mexico needs or requests help in cleaning out these monsters, the United States stands ready, willing & able to get involved and do the job quickly and effectively. The great new President of Mexico has made this a big issue, but the cartels have become so large and powerful that you sometimes need an army to defeat an army!"
Kuhner says Trump should close the Mexican-US border, finish the southern border wall and impose a travel ban rather than engage in a war with the Mexican drug cartel. Do you agree?