The Kuhner Report

The Kuhner Report

Jeffrey T. Kuhner, "Liberalism's Worst Nightmare," is the host of The Kuhner Report.Full Bio


The First Lady says America needs four more years of President Trump

First Lady Melania Trump took center stage Tuesday on the second night of the Republican National Convention to give her keynote address in the Rose Garden.

Melania said, "I don’t want to use this precious time attacking the other side, because as we saw last week, that kind of talk only serves to divide the country further," Melania Trump said. "I’m here because we need my husband to be our President and Commander in Chief for four more years. He’s what is best for our country. We all know Donald Trump makes no secrets about how he feels about things. Total honesty is what we as citizens deserve from our President. Whether you like it or not, you always know what he’s thinking, and that is because he’s an authentic person who loves this country and its people, and wants to continue to make it better. Donald wants to keep your family safe. He wants to help your family succeed. He wants nothing more than for this country to prosper and he doesn’t waste time playing politics."

She added: "Almost four years ago, we went into election day, completely underestimated," the First Lady said. "Despite what is being said again this year, I know just as you do, that Americans will go to the polls and vote on the behalf of their families, our economy, our national security and our children’s future. To vote for those ideals is not a partisan vote. It is a common sense vote because those are goals and hopes that we all believe in. I believe that we need my husband’s leadership now more than ever in order to bring us back once again to the greatest economy and the strongest country ever known."

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