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To quote Corey Lewandowski, "Womp, womp."
After much hullabaloo and gnashing teeth - as well as several self-important smaller circuit court judges grandstanding - the Supreme Court has upheld President Trump's Travel Ban in a 5-4 decision.
This decision in the case Trump v. Hawaii, No. 17-965, is a landmark of sorts, as it becomes the first ruling on a Trump Policy.
Chief Justice John Roberts explained the decision as “Fundamental sovereign attribute exercised by the Government’s political departments largely immune from judicial control.”
Justices Stephen Breyer, Elena Kagan, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, and Sonia Sotomayor were the dissenting votes. The "Wise Latina" felt that “History will not look kindly on the court’s misguided decision today, nor should it.”
President Trump had the same reaction that most of us probably had: