Gubernatorial, Attorney General Candidates Arrested With 48 Pounds Of Pot

Two leaders of a Christian sect who were running a longshot bid to become the governor and attorney general of Rhode Island were arrested for illegally growing marijuana. Anne Armstrong and Alan Gordon, who represent the Compassion Party, were taken into custody at their home after authorities received a complaint about a “strong odor of marijuana emanating from marijuana plants being illegally grown outdoors.”

Police found nearly 50 pounds of marijuana when they searched the property. Armstrong told WPRI that authorities "set up surveillance. They flew helicopters over our house and yard, they took pictures."

The pair was charged with possession of marijuana in excess of five kilograms and possession of marijuana with intent to deliver and were released on bail. The two are leaders of a Christian sect known as The Healing Church and maintain that they use the marijuana for religious reasons and that they have never sold it. 

"We don’t use scales," Armstrong said. "We’re stewards and custodians of it on behalf of the church. It’s not something we measure."

Photo: Rhode Island State Police

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