Lightning In A Bottle: March

For the month of March, I wanted to keep with the “Irish” theme, seeing as how it’s the month Saint Patrick’s Day falls under. Now, I could have gone with the obvious choice and that would have been Guinness but for one, it’s predictable and two you don’t need me to tell you how great Guinness is. It’s basically a 10 out of 10 beer. It’s the gold standard of “Irish” beers. I wanted something different & local for my beer blog. After searching for just the right local, Irish themed beer, I was introduced to “Irish Rhode” made by Foolproof Brewing out of Rhode Island. I was immediately drawn to it’s can (which is a big thing for me-I like art work on beer cans). Then I was intrigued by its uniqueness of one being aged in Jameson Irish Whiskey barrels and two, I’ve never had an Irish red ale so it’s something new for me to try. Voila, there is my “Irish” tie in for March!

Before I get into the finer details of this beer, I first have to say a big THANK YOU to Foolproof Brewing Company for sending me a sample of their specialty beer from Rhode Island, because it’s a bit challenging for me to acquire up here in my state of NH. Nick & his team were so gracious as to help me sample this beer and write a review of it for WRKO’s “Lightning in a Bottle”! With that being said, this beer is a Barrel Aged Imperial Irish Red. As I mentioned, it’s aged in Jameson whiskey barrels or casks as they are called. It contains an ABV of 7.5%. Upon first tasting it, it is very flavorful. It has a hearty and bold taste. It’s not bitter or as sharp as an IPA, which I like. Nor is it sour like last month’s pick. “Irish Rhode”, a play on an old Irish road, is just the right amount of hoppiness mixed with notes of whiskey, and not just any whisky…a classic Irish whiskey such as Jameson, making it a highly enjoyable Irish red ale. It is a good balance. The whiskey notes tickle your taste buds, adding an extra punch to the ale and that’s a good thing.

Overall I rate this beer a 7 & ½ out of 10. I would buy this beer again and recommend to friends for a unique drinking experience that might get you in the Irish spirit! This is the type of ale you have when you are in the mood for something unique. It’s not a beer you pound, it’s a beer you take in and enjoy. It’s special enough where I wouldn’t have it every week and it would not be my go to regular drinking beer. It would be as it’s labeled, a “specialty beer” and what better special occasion than for the month of March to celebrate Saint Patrick’s Day!

Be sure to check out Foolproof Brewing Company's other beers. If "Irish Rhode" was that good, I'm thinking their other selections will be just as enjoyable! Visit their website HERE.

-Producer Lightning

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