Today is Super Tuesday and the remaining candidates in the race are out and about at their local polling stations. Former NYC Mayor Mike Bloomberg is down in Virginia hanging out at this local polling station where he partook in some food/snacks that were provided. Someone filmed him ripping off a piece of pizza, to which he ate it and then proceeded to lick EVERY finger on his hand then touched the coffee dispenser immediately after licking every finger. It was a bizarre eating habit that you do not see often. Do people lick their finger(s) after eating something sticky? Sure, maybe a finger or two but EVERY finger? Maybe we're over reacting here but VB and I think this is a strange video...
It appears that this video was actually posted from one of Bloomberg's social media platforms like Snapchat or Instragram. I'm not sure why anyone on his team would post this bizarre video. Maybe a little less spontaneous videos and more scripted videos but then again I have my doubts those would be any better...
-Producer Lightning