Bobby Bandito says "We've got more livin to do"!

Actor Matthew McConaughey put out a new video today on social media, portraying the character "Bobby Bandito" who is a bounty hunter who is out to stop and kill the Coronavirus! He put up Coronavirus wanted signs and all. Then Bobby Bandito called upon you, the viewers to make your own BBB "Badass Bandito Bandana" as a face mask to help stop the Coronavirus. McConaughey or "Bandito" dressed the part of course and in McConaughey fashion never broke character even while he was teaching you how to make your own "Badass Bandito Bandana"!

Check out Bobby Bandito calling on you here:

So what do you say? Are you going to get to it and start making your very own Badass Bandito Bandana? Was Bandito really selling it for ya? I think it's a fun initiative that McConaughey is doing here to entertain people while being proactive. He certainly is ever the performer and I tip my cowboy hat to him!

-Producer Lightning

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