MEDFORD, Massachusetts (WBZ NewsRadio) — What started as an on-line discussion about dangerous intersections in Massachusetts has turned into a new nickname that has stuck.
Medford’s Wellington Circle has developed a reputation over the years due to what drivers say is its complicated design and difficulty in navigating through the rotary without getting in an accident.
At some point in the on-line discussions, the circle was referred to as the ‘Medford Supercollider.’
That reference made it on to Google maps, and for a short time, was listed as a Massachusetts tourist attraction.
Whatever you call it, local drivers have no shortage of opinions on what they think about the traffic circle. “I’ve seen drivers turn head-on into traffic that’s moving in the other direction,” said one driver.
He added the design of the rotary doesn’t help. “Sometime I see drivers getting a jump on the light because they’re looking at the wrong one due to the way the cars are angled.”
As far as the driver’s opinion on calling Wellington Circle the ‘Medford Supercollider’... “That’s actually a perfect way to describe it,” he said.
WBZ’s James Rojas (@JamesRojasMMJ) reports.
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