Kevin DuBois is the CEO of Clean Brands. A Franchise company that operates in the DryCleaning and Laundry space and has a portfolio of brands that include: Martinizing Cleaners, Lapels Cleaners, 1800 Dry Clean, Pressed 4 Time and Dry Cleaning Station. They have stores in 7 countries with nearly 500 units across the world.
Clean Brands is a multi-brand franchising company in the garment care space which includes dry cleaning, laundry, laundromats and all things garment cleaning!
Their mission to define “The Future of Dry Cleaning®” started in 2000 with the formation of Lapels® Dry Cleaning. Lapels was founded on the principles of cleaning garments in the most environmentally friendly manner, within a high-end “boutique” style atmosphere. We aspire to bring successful, environmentally conscious entrepreneurs into what had been considered a tired industry and build a new breed of dry cleaning and laundry professionals. We take local business owners – operating neighborhood cleaners – and back them with the power of an International Franchising arm that provides marketing and operations support to them.
In 2021, Lapels acquired Martinizing Dry Cleaning, Pressed4Time, 1-800-Dry-Cleaning, Dry Cleaning Station and BizzieBox. These brands all share one common theme: To be recognized as the industry leader in garment care and to capitalize on the foundation that originated in 2000. They look to leverage the size and scope of their footprint with Innovative technology and marketing initiatives that continue to grow their collective brands and redefine The Future of Garment Care!
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