April 24, 2024: Host Adam Kaufman (Twitter @adammkaufman) is joined by Dan Watkins (@danwatkinsradio) and guests Sean Green (@seantgreen) from the Sports Gambling Podcast Network, MassLive's Mark Daniels (@bymarkdaniels), Joe Dellera (@joedellera) of the Action Network, and NBC Sports' Brad Thomas (@mrbradthomas). Boy, we've got a lot for you! The wait's almost over, and Daniels lays out the Patriots' plan for Thursday's opening round of the NFL Draft. It'll be a quarterback...but, which one? Plus, if you like making money, Green has a number of ways to bet the draft. The Celtics laid a massive egg as heavy favorites at home opposite the Heat, so it's a best-of-five on the way to South Beach. Dellera handicaps that series, along with a few others that have jumped out to 2-0 leads. On the ice, Bruins lead the Maple Leafs, thanks in large part to Jeremy Swayman. Will Boston stick with him? Thomas has thoughts.
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Listen to The Gambler with Adam Kaufman Monday-Thursday from 10-Midnight on WRKO on the iHeartRadio app!