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Well, you cant say nothing is getting done! The Department of Justice is putting their money where their mouth is, in the form of a threat to subpoena. The DOJ simply wants information about the "sanctuary" policies in cities like New York City, Chicago, and San Francisco. There is, however, one city on the list that should catch your attention, Lawrence MA!
Yes, story after story of drug dealing, murder, and robbery most likely caught the governments eye, especially when it affects all of New England. Here's one example.
Now Jeff Sessions is going to make sure to remind these cities that they are not allowed to break federal law. Surprisingly some confusion regarding abiding the law has grown in state and local government. Donald Trump was scheduled to meet with some Democratic mayors today, but that didn't go quite as expected.
Good for Bill de Blasio, standing up to big bad Trump and his "cronies" just because they're doing an inventory and holding these cities to the horrific standard that is THE LAW. Mr. de Blasio, please define core values.