Christine Blasey Ford, says she will testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee under certain conditions.
Ford's lawyers outlined these demands, according to a source close to the process:
- Ford will not appear any sooner than next Thursday;
- No questions to be asked at hearing by any outside counsel -- only by Senators;
- Mark Judge must be subpoenaed;
- Kavanaugh would testify first, then Ford would testify, and Kavanaugh would have no opportunity to respond or rebut;
- The Friday deadline for her to provide written statement before the hearing would be waived;
- Provide adequate security;
- Only one pool camera in hearing room;
- Ford and Kavanaugh allotted the same amount of time to talk.
Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, had set a deadline for Friday. Now he's offering to hold the hearing on Wednesday.