Bristol County Sheriff Thomas Hodgson blasted a lawsuit filed by Massachusetts DAs to prevent ICE from arresting illegals in courthouses.
Hodgson also called Suffolk County DA Rachael Rollins ‘arrogant and unprofessional’ for saying it would be an ‘honor’ to be arrested for challenging ICE courthouse arrests.
Hodsgon said, “I think most people look at that and say, how arrogant, how unprofessional and frankly how wrong.” He added: “If anything, our District Attorneys and the people in the court ought to be supporting law enforcement not hindering them and their abilities to keep the community safe and get people off the streets that don’t belong on the streets.”
He also questioned whether the lawsuit is even legal. He said, “I think there’s a legal question here to whether or not these District Attorneys even have standing to file this lawsuit because in Massachusetts the independent state agencies like Sheriffs and DAs have to ask permission from the Attorney General if they want to file a lawsuit.”