Speaker Nancy Pelosi says President Trump admitted to ‘bribery’ during the Ukraine phone call.
During press conference on Thursday, Pelosi repeatedly asserted Trump’s behavior toward Ukraine with the act of bribery.
“It’s in the Constitution,” Pelosi said. “We’re talking Latin around here, E pluribus Unum — out of many, one, out of many one. Quid pro quo — bribery, bribery. That is in the Constitution, attached to the impeachment proceedings.
“So, what was the bribe here?” the reporter pressed.
“The bribe is to grant or withhold military assistance in return for a public statement of a fake investigation into the elections. That’s bribery,” Pelosi said. “When the committees decide that, they will decide what the articles are. But I am saying that what the president has admitted to and said, ‘It’s perfect,’ I say it’s perfectly wrong. It’s bribery.”