The Kuhner Report

The Kuhner Report

Jeffrey T. Kuhner, "Liberalism's Worst Nightmare," is the host of The Kuhner Report.Full Bio


House Speaker Nancy Pelosi calls hair salon visit a "setup"

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi refuses to apologize for her visit to a San Francisco hair salon that was supposed to be closed under the city’s COVID-19 pandemic rules.

Pelosi said that if anyone owes an apology, it’s the salon.

“I think that this salon owes me an apology, for setting me up,” she said at an event about school re-openings in San Francisco’s Noe Valley.

However, the owner of the San Francisco hair salon visited by Speaker Pelosi denied the “absolutely false” claim that she set her up.

ESalonSF owner Erica Kious spoke on "Tucker Carlson Tonight" on Fox News.

"There was no way I could've set that up," Kious said. "I've had a camera system in there for five years. I mean, I didn't go in there and turn cameras on as soon as she walked in and set her up. So that is absolutely false."

Salons in San Francisco had been closed since March and could only reopen for outdoor styling services on Sept. 1.

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