CNN anchor Don Lemon compared Trump supporters to drug addicts. He said he had to get rid of his friends that are Trump supporters.
"You know what the sad thing is? And I'll be honest with you ... I've had many people who I love in my life- and yeah I come from a red state, I've lived in several red states, there are a lot of friends who I've had to really get rid of because they are so nonsensical when it comes to this issue," Lemon said. "They have every single talking point that they hear on state TV and that they hear from this president, they repeat it and they're blinded by it."
"I had to get rid of them because they're too far gone. I try and I try and I try, they say something really stupid and then I'll show them the science and I'll give them the information, and they still repeat those talking points," Lemon told Cuomo. "I had to get rid of a lot of people in my life because sometimes you've just got to let them go. I think they have to hit rock bottom like an addict, right? And they have to want to get help, they have to want to know the truth, they have to want to live in reality, they have to want to be responsible not only for other people's lives but for their lives."
He continued, "It's so sad. And I don't know if after this I'll ever be able to go back and be friends with those people because, at a certain point, you just say they're too far gone and I've got to let them go. And if they're willing to come back, they're willing to live in reality, then I would welcome them with open arms. But I can't do it, I can't do it anymore."