Mass. GOP declares war on conservatives
By Jeffrey T. Kuhner
The corrupt Massachusetts Republican establishment—and its treacherous media allies—are determined to purge conservatives and true Trump supporters.
This is the real meaning of the recent elections for the Mass GOP state committee. Massachusetts GOP Chair Amy Carnevale barely survived a rebellion from pro-Trump patriots. They ran under the Massachusetts Freedom Slate, a wide-ranging list of over 70 candidates, led by conservative Geoff Diehl.
Despite a huge advantage in big donor money and elite media endorsements, Carnevale’s slate of RINOs badly underperformed. Her side spent between $100,000-$450,000—on a blizzard of mailers, TV and radio ads, political signs, candidate messaging and coordinated get-out-the-vote efforts. Carnevale and her band of Republicans were rabidly backed by The Boston Globe, The Boston Herald and talk show host Howie Carr. In short, Massachusetts’ political and media elites did everything in their power to wipe out the MAGA populists. And they still failed.
Operating on a shoestring budget and with hardly any media support (outside of my show and The Boston Broadside), Diehl’s forces fought Carnevale to a standstill. Before the election, she had a bare majority on the GOP state committee; after the vote, she still has only a razor-thin majority. Contrary to the claims of Carnevale and Carr, pro-Trump conservatives were not “routed.” Rather, David fought Goliath—and David is still standing.
Moreover, for Carnevale and her allies it was a Pyrrhic victory. Their credibility has been permanently damaged. In particular, they have been exposed as cynical opportunists, craven mercenaries and shameless smear merchants, who are willing to lie (repeatedly) and slander anyone opposing them.
Take me, for example. Carnevale sent a letter to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), demanding that I be censored and my show shut down because I dared to unmask her lobbyist background and RINO agenda. I referred to her and fellow globalist Massachusetts Republicans, such as Bill Weld, Mitt Romney, Charlie Baker and Chris Doughty, as “whores”—meaning so-called moderates who always sell out in order to appease their wealthy donors or betray conservative voters.
In response, Carnevale, Carr and his cronies at The Herald launched a coordinated smear campaign. Carr first claimed I called his wife a “whore.” That was a lie and defamation. Carnevale then told the FCC that I called her a “whore,” insisting I be taken off the air for being a misogynistic, sexist pig who poses a threat to all women. This was another lie and more defamation. The Herald published two more hit pieces—both of which argued I should be muzzled and fired. And finally, Carr defamed me one more time, writing in a recent column that I called all Republican women “whores.” Another grotesque lie.
Carr, Carnevale and her clowns should be ashamed of themselves. They fear the truth. Carnevale is an establishment hack masquerading as a Trump supporter. She has deep ties to the Charlie Baker-RINO donor class. She openly supported Doughty over Diehl in the 2022 GOP gubernatorial primary. Doughty voted for Hillary Clinton in 2016. Almost all of Carnevale’s candidates were Baker Republicans and staunch Never Trumpers.
She also refused to sign the petition in 2022 opposing driver’s licenses for illegal aliens. The reason: She is a paid lobbyist for K&L Gates, a woke, left-leaning, globalist and pro-open borders law firm.
Carnevale is the very opposite of an America First conservative. She has embraced prominent anti-Trumpers, such as Chris Christie, Chris Sununu, and his father, John Sununu. In fact, she has said that RINOs like Doughty, Sununu and Christie are models for Republican governance in the Bay State. No wonder the RINO Boston Herald and left-wing Boston Globe strongly supported her. They know a phony Republican when they see one. And they love phonies.
Which begs the question: Why would Carr, a self-avowed conservative, support an elitist Baker-style RINO? The answer is simple: follow the money.
Carr unexpectedly turned on Diehl during the 2022 GOP gubernatorial primary. Diehl had been officially endorsed by Trump. Moreover, Carr had publicly backed the Whitman Republican in other prior elections, frequently having Diehl on the air. Suddenly Carr began to savagely attack Diehl, turning his show into a long infomercial for Doughty. A major reason for this shocking reversal was that Doughty, a wealthy businessman, began pouring tens of thousands of dollars into Carr’s show. It became profitable for Carr to back Doughty and betray Diehl. Diehl, however, still won the primary—against all the odds. Carr and the Doughty-Carnevale-Baker forces then made a fateful decision. They urged their supporters to torpedo the Diehl campaign in the general election against Democrat Maura Healey. In short, they sealed Diehl’s fate, guaranteeing a Healey victory and with it her radical leftist administration.
Carr’s unholy alliance with the RINOs has continued. He did dozens of personal endorsements for Carnevale-Doughty-Baker candidates in the state committee races—directly interjecting himself into the campaign. Some of his endorsements were odious. He backed Judy Crocker in Cape Cod, a lifelong establishment hack, who openly admitted that Republicans should never support any other GOP candidate challenging a Democrat incumbent. In other words, for Crocker, the job of Massachusetts Republicans is to be controlled opposition. Furthermore, Carr endorsed Larry Novak, a former convicted felon who spent years in prison for laundering drug money.
Yet, Carr’s most egregious—and vicious—attack was against Trump Angel mom Maureen Maloney, who lost her 23-year-old son to an illegal alien drunk driver. In a recent column, Carr smeared Maloney as a “Kool Aid Kultist” who is part of a “lunatic fringe.” He compared Maloney to a “termite” and “cockroach” that needed to be “exterminated.” Her crime? She was part of the Massachusetts Freedom Slate. In short, she’s a real MAGA populist.
Think about this: Carr claims that a woman whose son was murdered by an illegal—and who champions secure borders, opposes sanctuary cities and driver’s licenses to illegal aliens, and believes in Trump’s America First agenda—is subhuman scum who deserves to be ostracized from polite society. To add insult to injury, Carr and Carnevale endorsed Maloney’s opponent, Amanda Peterson, a 19-year-old former Doughty campaign volunteer. It would be almost funny if it weren’t so tragic—and sickening.
By vilifying Maloney and other MAGA patriots, Carr and Carnevale have crossed the Rubicon. They have declared war on conservatives and Trump populists within the Massachusetts Republican Party. Their attempted purge has failed; and their takeover of the GOP will not succeed. In the end, money and power are false gods. They will learn this the hard way.
-Jeffrey T. Kuhner is host of “The Kuhner Report” on WRKO AM-680 in Boston. His daily show airs live 6-10 am ET. He can be reached at:
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