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Is it really that big of a surprise that the Grammy's are cancelled? Also, do you care that much? I mean I hate to say it but lets face it, award shows are not what they used to be. They've become way more politicized nowadays and ain't no one wanna hear your favorite musician get up there to accept an award for something that has nothing to do with climate change or former President Trump only for said artist to lecture us about their stance on politics. As Ricky Gervais laid it out perfectly at the Golden Globes back in 2020, "if you do win an award don't use it as a platform to make a political speech. You are in no position to lecture the public about anything. You know nothing about the real world....so if you win, come up, accept your little award, thank your agent and your god and F off!"
Honestly, I feel like no truer words were spoken! This will forever be a classic!
Regarding the Anna Nicole Smith documentary, I honestly was not a big fan of hers. I didn't not like her. I think it was just not my thing. I don't read Playboy, and the only playmates I started to know other than Pam Anderson because of her fame was when the reality TV show The Girls Next Door came out and opened the world up to their inside life inside the Playboy Mansion. That was fascinating because for so long it was this talked about place where you heard wild stories but to see it on TV put reality to it. I never knew much about Anna Nicole Smith other than she died young. Many of you might have been attracted to her or fans of hers and might want to check this documentary out. I personally am fascinated by it because as a woman and a human being in general I am fascinated by people's stories and why and how they went down the path they did. Especially as a woman I want to see and hear why Playboy. I have no judgment just fascination because that lifestyle is so opposite from my own and what would come to me naturally. If you are interested in more details about the documentary coming out, read on HERE.
The last story in the flash about the Climatarian diet, I still CANNOT get over. First off the name makes me immediately roll my eyes. I am not a climate denier per say I just think there are indeed more important issues this country is facing other than climate change. I digress though. If you want to support the planet and make lifestyle changes and diet changes okay cool, do it but don't start a new diet trend calling yourself a Climatarian. It's way too pretentious and quite frankly you sound like a tool. I'm all for doing you and living by the standards you believe but again give me a break with the Climatarian title. I can't. This is coming from someone who is a pescatarian (someone who does not eat meat only seafood), was a vegetarian for over 10 years, and my best guy friend is a local farmer...so I feel like I have more of a say in being critical. I support eating planet based foods as well as supporting local farms but I find no need to create a new term for your newfound diet. Call yourself a vegetarian or a vegan or a pescatarian and support local farms, period. That's honestly what many hardcore vegetarians do anyway so get outta here with the term Climatarian diet!
-Producer Lightning
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