Your latest Flash feature:
How many burgers a month do you eat? A year? On average this is how many burgers the average American eats in one year! Do you top that?
YES! No more worrying about my burrito falling apart...! Why wasn't this invented sooner?
All the deets, here!
I for one can say confidently I do NOT eat that many burgers in a month or a year. Why? Because I don't eat meat! However I still don't eat that many veggie burgers despite loving them. I get it though, Americans love their burgers and with all the fast food joints around and the tons of options it's hard not to divulge... so do you top the average amount of burgers consumed a year?
Photo: 500px Prime
I'm pumped about the edible tape! Look at them over there at John Hopkins solving the country's biggest problems. This issue of burritos an wraps falling apart has been plaguing us for decades. I mean just ask the folks at Chipotle how many times one their tortillas breaks and they have to double wrap...! Not anymore! Well...soon enough. Bring it out and "roll" out the tape people!
-Producer Lightning