Coffee Mate goes plant based.
The Girl Scouts unveil a new cookie!
& What pumpkin spice has crept into this time... Is enough, enough? Has the PS craze gone too far?
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Good thing about Coffee Mate entering the plant based creamer world. It's about time. As a big coffee drinker I've actually been looking for a plant based alternative from them for a while so this comes as welcome news. I prefer non dairy creamers anyway!
Heck yeah about the new Raspberry Rally cookie! I'm not even upset its online order only because sometimes I miss the Girl Scouts outside of whatever store they are at. I know they have a schedule but sometimes it's challenging to make it at the same time so its probably best I order online. Also for the best that way I don't buy like 10 boxes because I feel guilty with them staring at me...
I think the pumpkin spice is getting out of hand. I said it. Not that we have not been long past that point for like the last year or so but its getting a little ridiculous...I love Goldfish don't get me wrong and this would not be bad tasting. I think I'm just annoyed at the hype of pumpkin. I get it, Fall is coming, you love pumpkin. Relax. People act like it's the second coming of Christ. My goodness. You don't think we have enough PS flavored things? We actually need more? Wrong. We don't. & this is coming from someone who likes PS and Fall but I'm not obsessive about it....
-Producer Lightning