This fast food chain is the next in line to introduce Beyond Meat products...
The exercise you hate but burns the most calories...
& Pepsi's new S'mores flavored sodas. Would you try them?
Listen in for the full scoop!
As a pescatarian myself I have always loved Taco Bell for their meat free options! If I'm going to have fast food, the Bell is the way to go for my dietary preferences so I'm pumped about the option of Beyond Meat products! I'm actually surprised it took this long (and apparently it's been 2 years in the making)...I hope the people of Ohio like it and don't ruin it for the rest of us! Lets hope the state has a healthy population of meat free eaters...!
Let me start by saying, I HATE RUNNING. I really do. It's probably the most miserable experience. I have no idea how people (like my husband) can run on a treadmill for an hour). It must be because they receive good results as it burns the most calories of any exercise...It makes sense because if you're going to torture yourself, you better get the most benefit from it! Even knowing this knowledge now, I'm still not going to become a runner...For more exercise and calorie burning statistics, check out Healthline's data HERE.
& heck yeah I'm on board with Pepsi's S'mores collection. S'mores might be one of my favorite flavors and I'm also a cola fan so you know what? I'd give it a try! Of course I have to prove myself worthy of receiving a batch but if it magically popped up in front of me I would crack one open for sure. Would you? I've heard of worse flavor creations...
-Producer Lightning