For close to 10 years, SHP Financial co-founders Derek Gregoire, Matthew Peck and Keith Ellis have been hosting this weekly talk radio show with the mission of empowering today's retirees and pre-retirees, so you can make better financial decisions for your future. Each week you'll hear timely financial news and topics, along with local and national guest interviews, all geared towards helping you get to and through retirement. Click here to learn more. This page is sponsored by SHP Financial and does not reflect iHeartMedia, its employees or other advertisers.

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072: Navigating the Emerging Asset Class of Bitcoin and Digital Assets with Ryan Lessard

071: A New Years Resolution to Retire With a Plan with Matthew Peck and Keith Ellis Jr.

It’s a new year, and what better way to kick things off in 2025 than by revisiting your financial plan or creating your first one. We’ve seen huge fluctuations in inflation, interest rates, and market swings in recent years, and having a plan is the best way to be prepared for when things change.

Most people spend their working years grinding, saving, and looking forward to their retirement date. But when the moment actually arrives, many of them wind up feeling unprepared for what they’ll do with all the extra time and financial freedom.

In this episode, SHP Financial’s Matthew Peck and Keith Ellis Jr. dive into the one resolution every retiree (or pre-retiree) needs to make this year: Start asking yourself questions now and paint a picture of your dream retirement. The SHP team is here to help answer those questions and give you the “why” behind our recommendations so you have confidence and know what’s possible in retirement.

In this podcast interview, you’ll learn:

  • Why so many retirees struggle with "What’s next?" once they stop working.
  • The biggest mistakes people make when transitioning from a paycheck to financial independence.
  • How to create a flexible retirement plan that lets you enjoy your money instead of worrying if it’s enough.
  • The most overlooked financial factors that determines whether you’re truly free in retirement
  • How comprehensive financial planning allows you to dream bigger with confidence.

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Matt's Markets on the Move: January 2025

Join SHP Co-founder Matthew C. Peck, CFP® CIMA® and Lead Advisor Laura Russo as they speak about what's happening in the markets in 2025!

070: How Proactive Healthcare Planning Could Help Save Thousands in Retirement with Scott Hokanson

Healthcare costs are one of the biggest financial challenges for retirees and pre-retirees. Many people work until they’re 65 just to transition into retirement with Medicare. And with healthcare costs so expensive, it’s easy to understand why. But what if your financial plan had those costs built into it so you could retire early?

To explore this complex topic, we’re thrilled to have Scott Hokanson, Founder and President of Brabo Benefits, back on the podcast. We’ve worked with Scott for over 20 years and are grateful to share his expertise, insights, and strategies for helping retirees manage healthcare costs before and after age 65.

In our conversation, we discuss the benefits of Medicare Advantage and Supplement Plans, how to navigate the tough decisions surrounding bridging employer plans and Medicare plans, and why healthcare planning is such a critical component of a comprehensive financial plan.

In this podcast interview, you’ll learn:

  • The shocking truth about Medicare costs and how to avoid surprises.
  • Strategies for bridging your healthcare coverage before turning 65.
  • Scott’s advice on purchasing dental and vision coverage with your insurance.
  • Why Roth conversions can impact Medicare premiums—and when they make sense.
  • The differences and benefits of Medicare Advantage vs. Supplement plans.

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069: Preparing for College Education: Making Sense of Student Loans, 529 Accounts and FAFSA with Mark Kenney

In recent years, there has been plenty of talk about the burden of paying for a college education, and student loan forgiveness has been a hot topic. If it’s in the news, then weighing on the minds of our clients.

That’s why we’re so grateful to have Mark Kenney, CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER and CERTIFIED TAX SPECIALIST here at SHP Financial. With college tuition soaring, preparing for your children’s or grandchildren’s education is more important than ever.

In our conversation, you’ll learn some shocking truths about how much student loan debt is being carried in the US, which assets are included in FAFSA’s (Federal Application for Student Aid) calculations, and which aren’t, and 529 accounts are a great way to save for college education. 

In this podcast interview, you’ll learn:

  • Why most of the $1.75 trillion in student loan debt is being carried by people over 60 years of age.
  • How to differentiate between the assets that are included and excluded in FAFSA applications.
  • Some of the myths about 529 accounts and why they’re an important part of a college education plan.
  • The eligibility requirements, interest rates and repayment terms of Parent PLUS loans.
  • Mark’s advice on how to decide between helping to pay for college education vs leaving a legacy with your investments.

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068: Post-Election Market Update: What SHP Financial is Keeping an Eye On with Matthew Peck

Now that the 2024 Election is in the books, we know that a new and yet familiar President-elect will take control of the Whitehouse in 2025. So, what does that mean for your investments and finances? 

To help answer that question, Matthew Peck highlights some of the economic factors that SHP Financial will be keeping a close eye on that will impact the markets. While inflation and taxes have been hot topics for some time now, many people are undoubtedly concerned about what the next administration will do to address these issues.

In this episode, Matthew breaks down the state of the U.S. economy, how tariffs impact the cost of consumer goods, and how new corporate tax cuts could negatively impact inflation.

In this podcast interview, you’ll learn:

  • The state of our economy in terms of GDP, inflation, and jobs in late 2024–and how this will influence policy in the years to come. 
  • How Trump’s proposed tariffs could dramatically drive up prices for American consumers. 
  • Possible loopholes to be created by new tax codes. 
  • How difficult it is to cut taxes while still addressing inflation and the national debt.
  • How mass deportations, if they happen, will massively reshape America’s labor industry.

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067: How Roth Conversions Help Reduce Income Taxes in Retirement with Nick Nelson

If you’ve been following the podcast, you’ve likely heard us talk about Roth conversions many times. At SHP, we use Roth conversions as a tool on a daily basis.

But it occurred to us, a lot of our listeners might not fully understand what it means or might not be aware of the pros and cons to completing a Roth conversion. So we decided to dedicate a full episode on this very topic today.

In this episode, Matthew Peck is once again joined by Nick Nelson, VP of Advisory Solutions at SHP Financial. Together, they'll cover all the basics and the ins and outs of why Roth conversions are such an important tool that we use in our financial planning process.

Matt and Nick dive deep into the mechanics of a Roth conversion, who benefits the most from them, and when the best time for a retiree or pre-retiree should consider a Roth conversion to minimize taxes in retirement. 

In this podcast interview, you’ll learn:

  • What money gets converted when moving into a Roth IRA.
  • Key factors to consider before doing a Roth conversion.
  • How a Roth conversion potentially creates additional flexibility down the road. 
  • The best time to consider a Roth conversion.
  • When the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) will expire and what that means for investors.

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066: How to Change the World in Retirement with Matt Glynn

You’ve had a successful career, you’ve invested well, and you have everything you need to live comfortably in retirement. Sounds perfect, right? While that would be a dream scenario for some, others often want to do more by giving back and paying it forward. Such is the case with today’s returning guest.

Matt Flynn owned Glynn Electric for over 30 years, serving Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and New Hampshire residents. But today, he’s the VP of Project Trinitē, a non-profit organization on a mission to connect remote communities with global employment opportunities through the deployment of cost-effective globally connected work centers.

In today’s episode, Matthew Peck is also joined by SHP Financial’s Laura Russo to talk about the great things Matt Glynn and Project Trinitē are doing abroad and what compels and motivates him to give back to help those in need. He also shares some excellent advice for anyone who is interested in charitable work and what he looks for in a charity before making donations.

In this podcast interview, you’ll learn:

  • Matt’s advice on where to start when choosing a charitable organization to give to.
  • How his work experience has been an asset in getting projects off the ground in several countries.
  • How Project Trinitē helps by empowering the people they serve to support themselves.
  • That’s it’s okay to say no and protect your time once you get involved in charitable work.

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Matt's Markets on the Move: October 2024

Join SHP Co-founder Matthew C. Peck, CFP® CIMA® and Lead Advisor Laura Russo as they take a moment to reflect on Q4 and prepare for 2025!

065: Why Elections Shouldn’t Change Your Investing Mindset with David Hathaway

In just a few weeks, Americans will vote to decide who will become the next President. With all the commercials and political coverage dominating our screens, it’s easy to get caught up in the media circus during the election season. It’s also difficult to determine how much elections should weigh on your mind, as well as your investing strategies and retirement plans.

In today’s episode, SHP Financial’s Matthew Peck and David Hathaway discuss how our elections impact the economy and your investing mindset. We’ve been hearing about market volatility, inflation, and a potential recession for some time now, but is it all doom and gloom?

In this conversation, we dive into why we let elections influence our investing decisions, the roles that our elected officials have in shaping our economy, and what to pay attention to and what to ignore in the weeks ahead before the next President is elected.

In this podcast interview, you’ll learn:

  • How much impact presidents (and presidential elections) have on our economy–and why it’s actually less than you think.
  • Why Congressional and local elections are equally or maybe even more important than who is elected as President. 
  • The downside of letting elections influence your investing mindset and overall outlook on the economy.

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