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> September 2020
The 5 biggest missteps of the 1st presidential debate
A drinking game for tonight's debate!
NY Times reveals Trump's tax returns; will it matter come election time?
Argentinian lawmaker resigns after kissing girlfriend's breast on Zoom
Minute by minute timeline of the Breonna Taylor shooting
Gov. Baker loosens COVID restrictions for restaurants; up to 10 at a table
CDC puts out Halloween guidelines & they are a fright for kids!
Did Pelosi just "short circuit" on live TV?
Biden says if Trump did his job: "all the people would still be available"
NFL player Robby Anderson being introduced to Panther's mascot is hilarious
Biden plays "Despacito" to appease Latino voters in FL
LASP officer applies tourniquet to her partner despite shot through her jaw
Federal judge declares PA Gov. Wolf's COVID restrictions unconstitutional
Greenfield man woken up by a black bear!
Biden campaign suspends campaign ads for 9/11 anniversary...sort of...
CNN photoshops Redskins logo out of photo of Biden and his son
Chelsea Handler says she sees many confederate flags in the state of Maine
Biden claims the light bulb was invented by a Black man not Edison...
Gov. Cuomo says POTUS will need an army to walk the streets of NYC
Joe Biden caught reading off teleprompter with fed interview questions?
Bill Galvin talks about importance of wearing a mask but does this at polls